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Praise the Lord

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Praise the Lord

“Praise the Lord”
Praise the Lord, O praise the Lord. Sing a song of praise to Him.
Praise the Lord, O praise the Lord. Sing a song of praise.
Praise Him for the sky above. Praise Him for the sea below.
Praise the Lord, O praise the Lord from whom all blessings flow.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host;
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
Praise the Lord, O praise the Lord. Sing a song of joy to Him.
Praise the Lord, O praise the Lord. Sing a song of praise.
Praise Him for the sky above. Praise Him for the sea below.
Praise the Lord, O praise the Lord from whom all blessings flow.
